

Al-Quds Day - A Day in support of Oppressed against the Oppressors

Al-QudsDay an annual pro-Palestinian event held worldwide on the Last Friday of Ramadhan in solidarity with Palestinians & against Israel and Zionist oppression. To mark the day Students Islamic Organisation of India – SIO Mumbra Unit & Youth Wing JIH Mumbra has organised a Poster Show on 05th April 2024 to support the oppressed against the oppressor.

The Event for the day comprises of Friday Masajid Sermon on the Quds Day. Orator highlighted the History of Quds & the invasion of Palestine by Jews. Highlighting the key points orator defined Zoinist Policy & Plan to built Solomon’s Temple by demolishion of Majsid Al-Aqsa. How they forcefully took the land of Palestinians, how they made Gaza an open air Prison, How they portrayed armless innocents as criminals. Orator said it’s for this plan they have begun bombing Gaza occasionally & has been reason for mass destruction through air strikes since October 2023 in the name of retaliation.

It is very important for us to make our generation aware of the ongoing event & the History time to time. There are two things we can do from here to support our Palestinians brothers & sister; first & foremost is to Pray for them, kneel in front of Allah (SWT) & rigorously pray for the safety of peoples in Palestine as they are fighting this war alone; alone on behalf of whole Muslim ummah to safeguard Al-Aqsa Mosuqe. Secondly we must keep on Boycotting the product & brands that has been sponsoring Israel & this mass murder & destruction, Orator said. Boycott has placed a significant impact on the Israeli economy in last few months but this boycott must not stop until this war end. Orator insisted to list out the product that must be boycotted along with alternative local product & make our relatives, neighbours & city aware of the same. 

This is followed by the Display of Posters by SIO associates outside the Mosque highlighting the current situation in Gaza & level of destruction carried out by Israel. The moto behind this display is to understand the seriousness to initiate & continue the Boycott of Israeli brands & products.

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