A series of motivational lecture for the students of HSC / SSC on
the topic “HOW TO FACE EXAMINATION’ was conducted by SIO Mumbra.
As the Exams are approaching, students of HSC and SSC are getting ready and preparing for their board Examination, it is the
time of tension and loads of pressure. Sound of the word examination creates
butterflies in their stomach. Nearer the date of examination approaches more
the students will start complaining about various kinds of physical and
mental disorders. Some students suffer from diseases like stomach upset,
fever, nausea etc and some others report irrational loss of memory, feeling mind blank at the time of examination etc. It
is highly important to erase the scare of examination from students. Feeling the need of hour SIO initiated to replace this ‘exam panic’ with ‘confidence’ and to relief them from stress.
Lecture was conducted in Shoeb Urdu High School, Ideal Urdu High School, Mount Mary High School and Central Public High School of Mumbra, where with the help of PPT experts geared them up and encouraged them to remain positive and stress-free. Last minute preparation tips, diet to consume as well as a whole day study time table and various other important points were told to students.
Apart from this SIO is also running a Study Centre especially for Boys at Tanwar Nagar (Mumbra). This centre remain open from morning to night, students can avail it for Free of cost.

There usually stands out possible instances which are either way considered essential will definitely govern better instances for the future. online book reports