14 February when the whole world was celebrating an unethical day and busy committing, promoting all possible obscene activities, SIO Mumbra forbid students from same and provided an alternative i.e. Haya Day Celebration.
Play Card Display (Haya Day)
SIO utter slogan "Haya Day ko Aam karo, Valentine ko Ban Karo" (Popularize Modesty and Ban Valentine) displayed Play cards and hoarding, distributed pamphlets and performed a Street Play titled "Naujawano ki Mohabbat" (Love of our Youth) in which SIO acted and showed how this day came into existence to fool and it deals with communal exploitation of human love, moral and social emotion. Among enlisted campuses, students from M.S. College, A. E. Kalsekar College and G. R. Patil College were asked to enjoin Modesty and prohibit doing evil
and guided under the reference of Holy Quran as well as Hadeeth.
Hoarding Display (Haya Day) |
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